I’ve always believed that our physical, mental, and financial health are connected.
They can work with or against one another to positively or negatively impact our overall well-being.

Consider this…
- If you’re struggling with your physical health, there’s a high probability that it’s having an impact on your mental health.
- If you’re struggling with your finances, chances are it’s having a negative effect on the other two as well.
- To be at your very best, you have to address and manage each one to ensure that they’re working properly.
- Think of your mental, physical, and financial health as links in a chain.
- If one of them is weak and breaks, the entire chain is going to fail.
I believe in this so much that I wrote a book about it.
So, who am I?
Well, for starters, I’m in my 50s.
As a daily consumer of health and fitness and personal finance content, I believe there’s a void in these areas when it comes to practical information tailored to people 40 and older.
For many of us, things change when we reach our 40s.
We have our own unique set of physical, mental, and financial challenges.
I spent more than 25 years as a certified fitness trainer, owned two private personal training studios, and helped hundreds of people get in better shape and improve the quality of their lives.
Unfortunately, the daily stress that came with owning two businesses gradually began to take its toll on me, affecting my relationships and keeping me from being as involved in my kids’ lives as I wanted to be.
I felt like I was dropping the ball being a dad.

So, I had to decide.
Do I keep dealing with the stress and allow it to continue to impact my relationship with my kids or make a change?
I sold one of my businesses and closed the other, the latter of which resulted in my filing for bankruptcy.
Although the bankruptcy was solely the result of a crippling amount of business debt, it prompted me to take a hard look at my personal finances.
And while it left me feeling like a failure, it also lit a fire in me.
I decided to completely change how I viewed money, shifting my money mindset and overhauling my entire financial life.
I began seeking out, researching, and consuming anything and everything related to the topic of personal finance.
I became laser-focused on ridding myself of personal debt and cutting out anything in my life that I viewed as financial excess.
I set out on a mission to pay off my house and made my last mortgage payment in 2021.

In addition to my experience as a personal trainer and business owner, I’ve also competed in drug-free bodybuilding competitions, winning several awards.
I’m also a Certified Financial Education Instructor with the National Financial Educators Council.
Lastly, I’m a survivor of severe mental illness and clinical depression.
While I don’t consider myself an “expert” on anything, if there are areas that I do have a wealth of knowledge and personal experience in, it’s physical and mental health and personal finance.
That, and being relentless in the pursuit of personal goals.
Now, I want to take what I’ve learned and experienced in the areas of physical and mental health, personal finance, and self-development and help other people.
Fitness & Finance Over 40 is a way for me to do that.
At Fitness & Finance Over 40, I’ll provide you with plenty of original content on fitness and finance.
I’ll also provide insight into the latest health, fitness, and finance-related news and topics for people in their 40s and beyond.
You may not always agree with my opinions, and that’s okay.
I’m looking forward to hearing and learning from you as well.
Because while my goal with Fitness & Finance Over 40 is to share knowledge, it’s also to foster discussion and learn more about you.
Thanks again for joining me on the journey.